Today is a special day. For one novel that has been talked about all summer has just been released!

Now this seems pretty amazing. A Dragon who is able to hide him/herself as a human. And I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that each Dragon has a special power. Jacinda is the ability to breath fire. I'm pretty sure that was how it went.
Now, I've never read anything by this author, so while the story might seem amazing the author might not be. But I have faith in her enough to trust her and buy this book. When I get money that is. -__-
I'm also kind of eh because of the old dragon story. Last time I read something about dragons I kind of stopped on book two and never continued. coughEragon&Eldestcough. I haven't read any other dragon novels, although I do have Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke. I still haven't read it though. But hopefully this is good enough.
Like I said the book is released today, so if your buying it, tell us how it is. And I do remember that ARC of this novel have been out already, so if you have read it already tell me what you guys think. Do you think I'll like this novel? Is it worth buying? Does this make dragons look cool?
Leave your comments below! xD
Now I must get ready for class. -dies- History 102, here I come!
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