Hey Chroniclers! Again, this post is a month overdue but I have started working and some exciting things have been taking up my time, as well as a week of vacation where I had no access to a computer! But either way, I have gotten back into reading although not as normal as I would have hoped or liked! But, I present to thee... the To Be Read Pile of May 2014!
To Be Read Pile (May 2014) |
Clearly I can tell that it's gone up and that there are a lot more books than usual. Lucky for me, the majority of the books aren't that big so I'm safe. Hopefully.
To Be Read Pile (April 2014) |
In the month of April I received 7 books! All from a lovely friend who is also a blogger and you will definitely hear about her soon! I can't wait to read them though and I seriously do thank her for the books because she spoils me! I was at 57 books and now I'm at 62! I'm not even mad because I got some amazing books and I've come to terms that the pile will never be as low as I want it to. Which is also good because it means I'll keep getting new books to read!
I finished reading only 1 book and have started my 2nd. Like I said I started work and wasn't home for a week and been super busy with exciting things you will hear about soon!
My plan this month is to read whatever I can so we shall see how that goes.
Do you have a picture of your TBR Pile? Leave a link of it down below!
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The Subtle Chronicler
Michael Araujo
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