2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Michael has read 1 book toward his goal of 50 books.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday's Novel Talk (71)

Hey Chroniclers! You ever woke up early but for some reason went back to bed and woke up at a later time and felt groggy and just confused and heavy? That's how I feel right now and I've been staring at the screen for five minutes practically sleeping. But, it's July! Already! I thought it was like June 30th still but nope, it's July. My birthday is coming up and I leave to Portugal at the end of the month. I'm a bit nervous. But, let's talk books though.

 Since last time I posted this up, I finished reading Magic Steps by Tamora Pierce and I loved every bit of it. I kind of forgot the ending since the last time I read it years ago so it was a great surprise for me. Tamora Pierce is seriously a great author and I just hope she keeps writing more.

I also finished reading Street Magic by Tamora Pierce which is the second book in The Circle Opens Quartet. I was recognizing some parts of the book and then I realized I didn't remember the rest. So, when I went to check my old copy I found a bookmark halfway through the book and that's when I knew I never finished it so that was great. It was like reading it for the first time and I loved it.

I'm currently reading the third book in the Quartet, Cold Fire by Tamora Pierce and I'm currently on page 144 of 355. I fear that I've hit a bit of a reading slump which is my first one. I just feel blah with reading and it's taking me forever to get through these books. I just hope I can finish it quickly because I got some other books to read as well before going to Portugal.

But that's all I've been reading, what are you guys reading? Leave your comments down below!

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Facebook: The Subtle Chronicler
Twitter: @SubtleChronicle
Goodreads: Michael Araujo
Instagram: AntonioMeks


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