2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Michael has read 1 book toward his goal of 50 books.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Novel's Court (5)

Hey Chroniclers! I'm finally back with posting again and hopefully I can post for most of the week. Today is Tuesday though, which means that books have been released upon the world! I haven't done a Court in a while because it's been Novel Spotlight since it's been sequels. The Novel's Court is a weekly meme hosted by me where I present you a debut novel and evaluate it through the court of justice where I'll deem if it's readable (Guilty) or non-readable (Not Guilty). And in this case, we want them to be guilty. This week, I bring to you...

Taken by Erin Bowman! 

There are no men in Claysoot.

There are boys-but every one of them vanishes at midnight on his eighteenth birthday. The ground shakes, the wind howls, a blinding light descends . . . and he's gone.

They call it the Heist.

Gray Weathersby's eighteenth birthday is mere months away, and he's prepared to meet his fate-until he finds a strange note from his mother and starts to question everything he's been raised to accept: the Council leaders and their obvious secrets, the Heist itself, and what lies beyond the Wall that surrounds Claysoot-a structure that no one can cross and survive.

Climbing the Wall is suicide, but what comes after the Heist could be worse. Should he sit back and wait to be taken-or risk everything on the hope of the other side?

Time for Court!

The Story: This actually sounds really freaking good. It's got me intrigued to find out what the hell is going on. What happens to the boys? This reminds me of Game of Thrones with the giving of the male babies as sacrifices. I'm calling it, it's some sort of sacrifices! But it sounds really good and the fact that no relationship is mentioned in the synopsis makes everything even better!

The Cover: I freaking LOVE the cover! I like the weird tree thing going on, the random mysterious girl walking away with the guy looking back. I love the colors that are going on here. The orange and the blue is working so well together! I just want to feel this book in my hands. 

The Verdict: Guilty! Now give me the damn book and let me love it forever! I really hope that if it becomes a trilogy or a series, they don't change the covers because this is amazing! But really, I want to see what the book looks like in my hands and I want to know what happens. I think I might not buy it though until the second book cover is revealed. Just to be careful because with YA novels you never know anymore. 

What are your thoughts on the story and the cover? Have you read it yet or want to read it? Leave your comments down below!

Also don't forget to check me out on other places around the web of inter...

Twitter: @SubtleChronicle
Facebook: The Subtle Chronicler
Goodreads: Michael Araujo


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