2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Michael has read 1 book toward his goal of 50 books.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday's Novel Spotlight (1)

Every Tuesday I'll bring a book up into the spotlight and talk about it. It can be a book I have read, a book I want to read, a book no one has ever heard about including me, or any other book.

This week's novel is Inkheart written by Cornelia Funke. A German author if I believe correctly. It's an old obsession I have. I first read Inkheart in 2005, when Inkspell came out. I remember going to the library and finding them and immediately taking them home. I finished Inkheart in about a day or so and was in love with it. But when I started Inkspell I just seemed to stop for some reason. I guess it's because I wasn't that crazy into reading other novels as I was into reading Harry Potter.

But now that the whole Trilogy is out I want to buy them again and just actually finish them.

Inkheart is about this girl whose father is able to read characters out of books. Whatever he reads out loud will come out of the book and be real. Now how many of us want that power? I for sure do. I'd be reading out everything and everyone. I'd probably cause the end of the world with all the evil I accidentally let loose. Now I don't really remember much of what I read because I was a bit young back then so I'll just go ahead and save you all with the synopsis.

One cruel night, Meggie's father, Mo, reads aloud from INKHEART, an an evil ruler named Capricorn escapes the boundaries of fiction, landing instead in their living room. Suddenly, Meggie's in the middle of the kind of adventure she thought only took place in fairy tales. Somehow she must master the magic that has conjured up this nightmare. Can she change the course of the story that has changed her life forever?

That was taken from the BarnesandNoble.com website. Now as I was reading that I suddenly remembered a drawback in the power. Because Mo reads something out, something has to go in. And this is actually an important part of Inkheart that comes into play later.

I'm getting so excited again and I'm not reading the novel so maybe I have to buy it soon. It'll probably be the next one I buy along with the other two.

Now they made a movie called Inkheart and even though it was a bit different I still thought it was epic. I'm not like most people, I see a movie and a novel as two different things. If people want something like the novel just read the novel. To me, the movie is only there to set the characters and places for you. That way when you read it you can picture it all in your head like the movie.

And I'm seriously hoping they do an Inkspell movie because it was just that epic.

So question, have any of you read or seen the movie Inkheart? What did you guys think of it, and the rest of the trilogy. Remember, no spoilers since I and others haven't finished it.

Before I go, tomorrow is Guess That Novel. So we'll see who's actually the biggest fan. =D


Anonymous said...


There is an award for you on my blog!

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